Joe Biden keeps expanding his cabinet tonight as Donald Trump sulks

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– Multiple major news outlets are now saying Joe Biden is picking Linda Thomas-Greenfield as his UN Ambassador. Yet another highly competent pick, after the news earlier this evening that Tony Blinken will be Biden’s Secretary of State. It’s going to be fun having a real President again.

– What’s remarkable is that none of Biden’s reported cabinet or senior adviser choices is known to be a criminal or a traitor, none of them got their jobs through bribery, and none of them are members of the President’s family. Imagine that.

– Donald Trump may be under the childlike false impression that if he can somehow get an election related case in front of the Supreme Court, no matter how much of a trivial case or a laugh-out-loud non-case it might be, then the Justices he appointed will somehow magically hand him the election. Nothing comes within a million miles of working that way, but Trump may be too far gone to understand that.

– According to CNN, Joe Biden just got a street named after him in Scranton. Donald Trump is about to have a cell block named after him in New York.

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