Joe Biden is absolutely nailing this one

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During his four years in office, Donald Trump regularly liked to portray himself as someone who stood by the troops – a typical stance the Republicans take when they need to project strength and authority. Of course, he had little concern for them beyond that – with his open ridicule of Gold Star families and his orders for them to attack unarmed protesters, even if he made a number of promises for VA reforms. As with so many grand promises made by Donald Trump, President Biden is ultimately delivering on most of them.

As he has done in his first year with infrastructure, on Tuesday alone, President Biden did more for veterans than the former guy did in four years. He signed three separate bills – one that will look into cases of disability ratings disparity – such as those potentially based on race – in VA hospitals to make sure all veterans are treated fairly, another bill that will help get medical military personnel jobs at federal facilities, and another program targeted towards military family survivors, while offering more benefits and options to mothers on active duty.

Even while President Biden’s loudest critics on social and broadcast media fret over the time that’s running out for his agenda, he’s getting a number of other long overdue reforms pushed through Congress with bipartisan support. This is why it is crucial to vote for Democrats down the ballot in 2022.

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