Donald Trump has a whole new Jeffrey Epstein problem

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Why did then-prosecutor Alexander Acosta give a ridiculously lenient plea deal to Donald Trump’s friend, serial child rapist Jeffrey Epstein? Why did Trump turn around and reward Acosta a few years later by giving him a cabinet position? This is a question that a whole lot of people want an answer to, and now it turns out we’re going to get those answers.

House Democrats are now asking new Attorney General William Barr to reopen the criminal investigation into Jeffrey Epstein, based on a recent ruling by a federal judge that Epstein’s plea deal was illegal, according to the Miami Herald. We’re about to learn a lot about Barr based on his response to this request. But here’s the thing: this is going to be much bigger than Barr.

Jeffrey Epstein deserves to go to prison for the rest of his life, and we don’t know if anyone involved will be able to make that happen. But we do know this: House Democrats have decided to place an emphasis on the Epstein-Acosta-Trump scandal. If they don’t get their way with the Department of Justice, they’ll merely resort to holding public hearings.

House Democrats can subpoena Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta and grill him during televised hearings as to why he gave such a lenient deal to a serial child rapist, and why Donald Trump rewarded him for it with a promotion. This is about to get much, much uglier for everyone involved.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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