It’s time for Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr to panic

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Although it never got the media attention it deserved, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office has long been building a well-documented criminal case against Donald Trump for various financial charges. A grand jury is already in place, and Trump will be indicted and arrested. But it was never entirely clear whether the probe was also targeting Trump’s family members.

Now comes the news that in addition to the Manhattan DA’s criminal case, the New York Attorney General also has a criminal case of its own. The key distinction is that while the latter appears to be targeting Donald Trump specifically, the latter is targeting the Trump Organization.

It’s worth keeping in mind that, apart from CFO Allen Weisselberg, the only players in the Trump Organization of any consequence all have the last name “Trump.” In other words, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr now all have to be worried – because they’re under de facto criminal investigation.

Donald Trump Jr has to worry about every fraudulent Trump Organization deal that he put his name on. Ivanka Trump has to worry about her role in the Trump International Hotel & Tower Baku. Eric Trump has to worry about his charity that his father stole money from. This stuff is all fair game, and if the New York Attorney General can find criminality in any of it, then Trump’s kids are going down with him.

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