It’s Ginni Thomas’ time in the barrel

Enough is enough. Ginny Thomas has much to answer for. The wife of Clarence Thomas has taken things too damn far. There are questions — loads of them — swirling around the woman, and she must answer them. And now it appears the January 6 committee agrees. It’s being reported they will now seek her testimony.
This news isn’t that surprising when one looks at what Thomas is alleged to have done. The correspondence between her and John Eastman was obviously the last straw for the January 6 committee. And why not? It certainly isn’t every day the wife of a Supreme Court Justice is found to be secretly communicating with insurrectionists.
What did Ginni Thomas know, and when did she know it? Ginni and her husband’s response so far has been — nothing. Their arrogance speaks volumes. It is pretty evident that they fancy themselves far above the law, high and mighty birds of prey, too mighty to bother with small pesky things like obeying the rule of law.
The arrogance is astounding. Only they’re wrong. Clarence and Ginni Thomas are not above anything. And right now, they’re deep in it. Deep in bullshit, I mean. So will Ginni Thomas calmly come in to answer questions cheerfully? This is only a guess, but I am guessing not. I feel she will need to be subpoenaed. She does not strike me as a woman who gives a damn about the rule of law in any way, shape, or form.
Meanwhile, she is bringing so much embarrassment to the court, which isn’t an institution to be respected any more, partly because of the actions of both herself and her husband. Ginni Thomas right now is a fugitive from honesty. I am thrilled the committee will be questioning her. And she’d be wise to start looking for a damn good attorney.
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