It’s all gone already

We are only as good as our relationships with our allies. Our allies — and of course US — form an illumination of lights, looking after each other, guiding each other, protecting each other, lighting up the lands in soothing silver moonlight, here to give comfort, aide and a gentle guiding light to each other. ALL of that — ALL of that — is now gone.
One of the reasons the United States is so powerful is because of how many allies and friendships have been built up based on mutual trust and respect, and now, an unhinged madman is a direct threat to all that.
Since he took office – (does it not feel like five years now instead of just a few weeks) – Trump has started to systematically destroy relationships with more allies that I have fingers on my hands.
Everybody seems mad at us, and now he’s hammering away at South Africa and the UK. At this point, there won’t be one country left that feels anything positive towards this president.
It is remarkable, absolutely remarkable, that just a few short weeks ago, everybody loved and admired us, but of course, we had a different president of the United States sitting in the White House.
For now, Trump is in office, and we must find a way to go forward, but these are going to be challenging times ahead; although the good news for us is that trump’s fall from Grace among our most trusted allies are coming much quicker than this writer ever thought it would.
I honestly thought it would take maybe two or three months. I did; instead, it’s taken a week or two, and I should’ve known better.