House GOP mutiny underway already

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It’s getting worse. Now, it isn’t just whispers and murmurs. Now it’s full on mutiny. Steve Bannon has weighed in on Mike Johnson’s chances of keeping his speakership. His opinion? Mikey’s gotta go. The apples are falling off the tree and hitting Trump’s certification chances on the head. Bannon may be a misfit and liar, but his words carry lots of weight in MAGA Land. And he is pretty furious at Johnson.

Meanwhile, Mike Johnson has reportedly been saying how happy Donald Trump is with him. Denial? Hysteria? Perhaps. Meanwhile, Kentucky House Republican Thomas Massie has announced he won’t be voting for a speaker, Johnson. Others are saying they’re undecided. Now, here’s the thing.

Republicans never think about the future, so none of them may never have thought past ousting Johnson. Who would be the new speaker? How could the warring factions, busy eating each other alive, possibly agree on one person? What will happen on January 6th? It looks like the certification process could be in great jeopardy.

“Johnson must go or Trump agenda will never pass.” That’s from Bannon… But who to replace him with? I love this. Nothing makes my political senses sing like Republicans at war with each other. It seems to be happening more and more lately, and the new house hasn’t even been convened yet.

EVENTUALLY, all this will (somehow) get sorted out. But WHEN? Anything Republicans do can be counted on to take a good long time because they’re all incompetent. At a Turning Point USA event, Bannon asked the crowd if Johnson should remain speaker, and they all started booing Johnson.

To Mikey, I say: you should have expected this. Republicans are fickle frenemies who can turn in the blink of an eye. They’re a cyclone that few House Speakers ever make it through. But one would think they’d at least wait until after the certification process to turn on each other like wild vultures. Of course, that would be the sensible thing to do, which is precisely why Republican House members won’t do it.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.