Democratic House leader hints Donald Trump will be gone soon

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Now that the Democrats control the House, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is nearing the finish line, Donald Trump’s ouster is matter of when, not if. The Democrats have to time the impeachment process correctly if they want it to succeed, which means waiting for Mueller to complete his report. Now one House leader is hinting that Trump’s ouster will come sooner rather than later.

When Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House last week, there was a reason Hakeem Jeffries gave her nomination speech; he’s the head of the House Democratic Caucus. That means he’s in a powerful position when it comes to knowing how the House Democrats are planning to handle Donald Trump’s ouster.

Earlier today, Congressman Jeffries tweeted this: “Trump called a meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer a waste of time. Actually, many people are saying your presidency is a waste of time. Our long national nightmare will soon be over. Until then House Democrats will continue our fight to lower healthcare costs & increase pay For The People.”

The “nightmare” he’s referring to is Donald Trump’s presidency, so it seems pretty clear he’s predicting that Trump will be ousted “soon.” Of course that won’t be as soon as most people would like. But with Mueller closing in, House Democrats raring to go, and mainstream Americans wanting Trump gone, his ouster should happen sooner than some might be expecting.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer