Here we go with Netanyahu again

If you’re pro-Israel, then by definition you have to be anti-Netanyahu. He’s a corrupt monster who’s done incalculable damage to Israel during his tenure as Prime Minister. Even as the United States has already ousted Netanyahu’s ally Donald Trump and begun the criminal indictment process against him, Israel is trying to shed itself of Netanyahu.
Israel keeps holding elections that result in no clear winner. At that point a coalition government is supposed to form, but because no one wants to align with Netanyahu, a coalition never happens, and another election has to be held. Israel held yet another election today with no clear winner.
This cycle isn’t going to end until Netanyahu is no longer involved. But because he’s facing indictment, he’s unwilling to step away from politics for fear he’ll end up arrested. Israel is going to have to find a way to end the stalemate so it can move past the Netanyahu debacle and put itself back together, much as the U.S. is now doing after having ousted Trump.