Here comes the House GOP flame-out

I’ve got a little secret to share with you. It’s about Republicans. It’s about what I’ve dubbed “The great America flame-out.” You see, according to the buzz, which is growing louder even as I write these words, some republican house members are not so happy with ‘Speaker” Johnson.
I see trouble. No, some are not only unhappy with him, but they’re reportedly NOT going to vote for him as speaker.
I see misery. And some of the more wacky members of the GOP caucus want Elon Musk as speaker.
I see strife. But others are appalled and disgusted by Elon and would never vote for him to be the speaker.
I see chaos. The House Majority is tiny, and it will be smaller in January.
I see a house with no speaker. January 6. The vote certification takes place on January 6. But it CANNOT take place without a speaker.
I see broken ketchup bottles. You see, these people, these little savages, are crazy enough to tank their own certification. I am NOT saying it will happen, but there is a chance it could happen.
I see the great flame-out. Yes, an explosion of red incompetence may rain down. It only took 15 votes to install McCarthy as speaker (for a few short months). Who knows? The GOP could break their record and aim for TWENTY votes.
Or thirty. You KNOW how they all fight. It’s a forced marriage where divorce is not possible. I see Speaker Jeffries.
Mind you that is ONLY a possibility. But their majority isn’t a majority. It’s a teeny tiny, speck of water, only a speck. EVERYONE will have to agree on a speaker. Do you think they will be able to do that? Do you believe THIS caucus can sanely and rationally choose a speaker? I see mayhem.
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