Here comes the cavalry

Tonight we celebrate the end of a traumatically difficult year for America, and the start of a new year, which always brings hope in the broad sense. But if broad hope isn’t enough right now to lift your spirits and convince you that 2019 can be a better year for America, there’s a very specific reason to bet on things turning around: the cavalry is coming.
We often hear the same question asked: how is it possible that an incompetent and mentally unstable criminal and traitor like Donald Trump can still be in power? Despite the largely rhetorical nature of the question, the answer is actually pretty straightforward. Trump’s own complicit Republican Party has had majority control of both the House and Senate these past two years, leaving the Democrats virtually no avenue for making any official moves to stop or defeat him.
This has left Special Counsel Robert Mueller with no choice but to employ the painfully slow strategy of using legal proceedings to push one Trump adviser at a time to flip on progressively bigger fish. It’s been a very long process that’s just now finally put Mueller within striking distance of Trump himself. This comes even as the Democrats prepare to take control of the House less than seventy-two hours from now, meaning the subpoenas will fly, the nationally televised hearings will begin, and the dismantling of Trump will officially begin.
The past two years have been open season for corruption, criminality, humiliating ineptitude, and outright treason. That ends now. There are tangible and specific reasons why 2019 will be an entirely different kind of year. Here comes the cavalry. Happy New Year.