Here come the weasel words

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As our work goes forward—our work to win the Presidency, the House, and keep the Senate—I must caution you against one thing. Weasel words. Oh, how you’ll see them! They will be everywhere, in big white letters in front of you in your home, trying to intrude upon you, sow chaos, and bring stress.

But it’s important to know what they are. So, what are weasel words, and why should we be on the lookout for them?

Weasel words are words and phrases that mean nothing and are irrelevant. However, these words are AIMED at making one believe that a strong statement has been made and that an impression has been created.

Big on vagueness and low on information, weasel words are loved fiercely by pundits who like to use them to suggest something serious when, in reality, these words mean absolutely nothing.

The words often are used to disguise BIAS.

Want to see an example of weasel words?

My gosh, there are so many to choose from!

Here is an example of a weasel PHRASE that is as empty as Donald Trump’s sense of right and wrong. In other words, it’s pretty empty.

The weasel phrase came from a guest on CNN. He said this.

Yes, Kamala MIGHT be able to win — IF she is perfect.

This was on the Erin Burnett show.

Think about that funky little weasel statement.


As you know, my friends nobody is perfect in this vast universe. This comment was so empty I’m surprised an actual weasel didn’t slither onto the set.

See, this puts the burden on Harris. Have you ever heard someone say, “Trump might win, if he’s perfect.”

This was a weasel phrase that meant nothing because nobody is perfect. It also, incidentally, gives the appearance of supporting Haris when the opposite is likely true.

Imagine if someone said to you, “I’ll hire you — if you promise to be perfect.” Weasel words and phrases can consume us if we let them. So let’s not let them. Be on the lookout. Be on the lookout for sneaky, sly, deceitful WEASEL WORDS that have no meaning at all.

The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!