GOP Senator Tim Scott crashes and burns

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Man, oh MAN, is Tim Scott bad at this! Scott, who just threw his hat in the presidential ring, has given us a clue as to who he is — and that clue is the fact that he can’t string two sentences together.

Seriously — the man had plenty of time to prep. He KNEW he’d be asked about abortion. And THIS is what we get from him? Of course, he was asked Thursday by a reporter about his feelings on abortion bans. Do you know what he said? Nah — me either.

Tim Scott could not answer that fundamental question. So he began to do what I have named the dance — the dance of “cat got your tongue.” The dance of absolute, genuine bone-deep idiocy. So what DID the man say? “I’m 100 percent pro-life,” the fumble-jumble candidate began.

Then Scott descended into some type of gibberish I suspect only he understands. He began raving about banking. You read that right. Scott said he was at a banking hearing when Janet Yellen, the secretary of treasury, started talking about an increase in labor for African American women who had had abortions and were poor.

Scott appeared obsessed with Yellen, — (and the word “banking although how banking relates to abortion rights is still a big question.) “Are you saying a mom like mine should have an abortion so that we can increase labor force participation rates?”

Could cannibis be the culprit here? No. Much as it pains me, I think this is Tim Scott sober and man, what a scary thing THAT is. Man, oh MAN, is the mouse scared of the cat — the cat being abortion. Tim Scott came off like a quivering twelve-year-old getting their feet wet in their first debate ever. That’s how bad he was.

Bad AND insane. Nobody knew what the heck he was talking about, and much laughter and snickering abounded. Welcome to the race, Scott! At this rate, you’ll flame out faster than Mike Pence.

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