GOP Senator Ron Johnson goes completely off the deep end

Every day, people wake up, go to work, eat breakfast, and turn on the television. Every morning, the sun peeps its head up and then back down at sunset. The point is — there are some things that just keep rolling — and very little can happen to change them.
People’s morning routines. Sunrise and Sunset. Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson saying stupid things. Johnson (not doing Wisconsin proud, insurrection party, let’s kick him out of the Senate) is always getting into trouble for his ignorant statements. One can no more stop Johnson from uttering stupid comments than they can stop an angry category five hurricane from doing damage. It’s simply written in the stars I suppose.
Johnson is not cooperating in the Senate’s talks about sensible gun reform legislation. Instead, he is determined to keep the subject on — Hunter Biden. Johnson was asked about back-round checks and expanding the age to buy guns. The Senator ignored the questions and started an epic rant about Hunter Biden instead.
This writer is curious about something. Is Hunter Biden to blame for climate change? Perhaps no Republican has come up with a healthcare plan because of Hunter Biden. And maybe their precious wall did not get built because Hunter Biden told them not to make it? Could that be it?
Perhaps the reason Republicans have no platform is — Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is the GOP’s undoing. Blame everything on — Hunter Biden. Maybe they should change their name to the Hunter old party.
Johnson is currently being laughed at on Twitter for his inability to focus on much of anything except — Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden has replaced “Hillary’s emails” and “Obama’s birth certificate” as the new normal in the world of the GOP.
For washed-up Senators like Ron Johnson, who can’t hit 40 percent in an approval poll, they have nothing else. The GOP are a bunch of relics from the past with nothing going for them, no platform, no ideas about ANYTHING. Welcome to the clown show.
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