GOP Senate turns on GOP House amid Republican infighting
I wonder how many of you have read the classic novella, John Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl’? A classic story of good and evil, The Pearl is the tale of a diver who finds an extraordinary giant-size pearl beneath the waves, a pearl that will ultimately lead to much destruction.
I have been thinking oft his story and how it relates to Donald Trump and the Republican party. In the minds of the GOP, Trump was supposed to be THEIR pearl. He was supposed to bring them infinite power, the one thing Republicans salivate over.
However, he instead led to their ruin. I feel that ninety percent of the dysfunction happening inside Republican circles WOULD never have happened had the GOP not invited Donald Trump into their lives.
It’s as if he was his own curse on Republicans, a stamp of evil, guaranteed to bring them to the bottoms of their bitter seas. The battle is still raging in the GOP, and now members of the SENATE — Republican members are expressing their utter frustration with members of the house, saying, “:get your act together.”
Some GOP Senators are said to be alarmed that Trump’s certification won’t happen at all because of the dysfunction in the house. The rats are not just eating EACH OTHER; they’re eating every promise they made to their voters, all to find a speaker who doesn’t exist.
What I mean by that is — it’s a dream. This quest for the perfect speaker is a dream, a mirage, because nobody will ever pass the smell test, nobody will ever be able to jump over the unrealistically high bars set by folks in the Alt-right because such a person does not exist.
If only the GOP had listened to us! We always knew Donald John Trump would impel disaster, ALWAYS did we know that.
We tried — so very hard to warn them. But they had visions of pearls in their eyes, dreams, and visions of unlimited power danced before their eyes, dilating their pupils as they surrendered themselves to this utterly dysfunctional thought process that doomed them.