Good news for 2024 voting rights

The US Supreme Court just rejected a Republican challenge to President Bidenโs executive order intended to expand voter registration access.
The case was filed by Republican lawmakers from Pennsylvania, along with other GOP secretaries of state and members of Congress. They contended that President Biden unlawfully exceeded his presidential authority in 2021 by mandating that federal agencies provide voter registration services. The Pennsylvania plaintiffs claimed that it was an unconstitutional infringement on laws enacted by Congress and their state assembly.
The Supreme Court also rejected petitions by several GOP groups to file amici curiae (friend of the court briefs) in support of the GOP case. Those groups included two state fair election commissions and a conservative think tank at Claremont Institute in California.
This case is very good news for the Democratic candidates in this yearโs election. One has to wonder whether the Supreme Court is starting to hedge its bets about Trump winning the election. Donate now