Fox News lets the mask slip

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“Fair and balanced.” How many times has the propaganda network said that about themselves? I refer, of course, to Fox non-news. But I must thank them! You heard me. Fox has finally done it. They’ve done what sane people everywhere have hoped they would do.

They’ve pulled off their mask — and (basically) admitted the truth — they’re as much a news station as Donald Trump is a good person. Fox has decided not to air the January 6 hearings. Instead, Fox business will have the pleasure. But they WILL air a reaction to the hearings. Think about that. They will air a reaction to something they’re not even covering.

So yes, they’re admitted they are not news. Because nobody that IS news would purposely not air it. But it is good in a way. This decision will cost them viewers. That’s a given. But if they did air it — Donald Trump would be very angry. And that is one thing Fox cannot have.

The fox is guarding the hen-house of propaganda. The last thing Fox need is to have the king of lies and misinformation mad at them. Then they would lose even MORE viewers. So that’s likely playing a major role here as well. Donald Trump and Fox propaganda networks need each other. This is a mutually beneficial relationship between two subjects far outside the mainstream.

Trump needs Fox propaganda to scream out his message. Fox needs the occasional appearance by Trump to lend them authenticity. So their sick and deranged dance must continue. THAT is why we won’t see the hearings aired on Fox. And this is also why this writer has decided no longer to refer to Fox as news — even non-news is giving them too much credit. Instead, I shall call them Trump-TV. It is far more accurate.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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