The floodgates are open and Donald Trump is drowning

It’s coming. Not the “I” word. The “F” word. And by that, we mean the Flood. From the beginning, there were cracks in the Trump dam. So many trickles have popped up in the past three years, it’s been impossible to keep up with all of them. But remove one thumb in the dike, and mighty waters flow.
Right now a very significant topping of the levee has come through a Manafort buddy, Stephen Calk, his banker bud, the former CEO of the Federal Savings Bank of Chicago. He arranged roughly 16 million in loans for Paul Manafort even though he “was aware of significant red flags regarding” Manafort’s ability to pay the loans back. In exchange for this, Calk allegedly sought a high level Trump administration job as quid pro quo.
This was covered in the reputable press at the time. But its significance cannot be emphasized enough: Calk is being prosecuted by the Southern District of New York. The case stems out of Mueller’s probe. And most importantly, it’s been confirmed that this is not one of fourteen criminal investigations that spun off from the Mueller investigation. That’s right, fourteen.
Julian Assange got indicted today for violating the espionage act. The First Amendment does not give protection to conduits of enemy propaganda used to attack the sovereignty of our Republic. Being a writer, I’m all for wrangling with the First Amendment. I’m also for facts. Let’s go with the facts here and follow them where they take us. Just an aside, Facts is an “F” word also. And so is the Trumpian word that follows the exclamation made by The Donald after Robert Mueller was appointed, “I’m f***ed!”
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TR Kenneth is the author of the thriller, A ROOM FULL OF NIGHT. You can read all about her at and on Twitter