Robert Mueller could be just five days from a massive victory over Donald Trump

The widely accepted conventional wisdom, including here at Palmer Report, is that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will likely line up his big endgame moves to coincide with the Democratic Party takeover of the House. Mueller’s precise schedule is anyone’s guess, and it certainly won’t all happen on the first day Congress is in session. But now, even before that, Mueller could be just five days away from a major victory over Donald Trump of a different kind.
There has been some understandable confusion and consternation about what it means that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has placed a hold on the recent U.S. Court of Appeals ruling in favor of Robert Mueller and against a mystery foreign company. It’s not that Roberts has made a move against Mueller. Instead, Roberts has simply set a deadline โ and a very swift one โ for the Supreme Court to collectively decide whether it wants to hear the case.
The decision must be made by December 31st. If the Supreme Court decides to take on the case, it will presumably be given the same level of priority that the case was given in appeals court. In such case we might not have to wait too long before getting a ruling. On the other hand, if the Supreme Court decides not to hear the case, that’s the end.
In such case, the mystery company will be required to immediately turn over the mystery evidence that Robert Mueller has been so eager to get his hands on โ and let’s be real here, there’s little doubt that this evidence severely incriminates Donald Trump. So yeah, Robert Mueller could be just five days away from a massive victory over Trump, just before the Democrats take over the House.
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