Evil incarnate is on the loose

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

This has been a holiday week, a time where many make merry, eat and drink and enjoy all the festivities that come along with the holidays. People — millions of people — were feeling festive, catching planes, riding trains, all to see loved ones, and eat and drink and make merry, chattering long into the night, as they enjoyed themselves.

However some people were NOT focused on holiday cheer. SOME people were doing what they do best — bullying their fellow Americans. You see. as many celebrated some people, certain officials, many of whom are located in the great state of California, received a letter. A Christmas card perhaps? No.

What was inside the letter was evil — evil incarnate — also known as Stephen Miller. There’s no Grinch like a Republican Grinch. Miller had sent a letter from his non-profit, “America first legal”. Warning these officials not to interfere in Trump’s deportation plans. The letter warned that any attempts to “conceal, harbor or shield” these immigrants could be considered a crime that could carry with it prison sentences.

How lovely! What a beautiful and harmonious Christmas message from the Trump scrooges of the world. Some people who received this poison pill include the Los Angeles mayor, the Los Angeles police chief, and the California attorney general, among many others.

Republicans do so love writing letters. I suspect that because they’re cowards at heart, they can only masquerade as brave when they do not have to do it face to face. It’s like hiding behind the internet. With a letter such as this, the sky’s the limit! They can pretend to be fearless warriors for truth when, in reality, all they are are cowards.

I suspect many chuckles will have greeted these letters. I suspect many of these letters became litter in trash cans all over California. I also suspect that Republicans such as Miller have never once had any clue or idea of what comprises the shining diamond we call America.

What comprises it are faces in all colors, all religions and all personalities. Color is in fact what makes this country unique and so very special. We Americans are water-colors, every color of the rainbow, every person having a different story. But for Miller and friends all they see are white Christian men, as white as the envelopes these letters were likely mailed in.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.