Everything is being taken from Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been robbed. He stands alone, brain quivering like mad jello, unfettered in insanity, having had it all stolen from him. It was stolen by a WOMAN — with a smile. First, she took his momentum. How cocky Trump seemed at the RNC convention, how smugly secure he seemed, content in the knowledge that his winning was inevitable.
Then she stole it. She took the momentum with a wisp of a joyful smile, and suddenly, it was HER they were talking about. Then she took his crowds. Crowd sizes were always Donald ‘s safety net, the one thing he could brag about.
Not anymore. He can’t fill big events, stadiums, and the like. People leave as he’s talking. He can no longer draw the crowds he craves so badly. What he CAN do, however, is bore people. That he does well.
Boredom has become synonymous with his name. Now, it is SHE who has the crowds; it is SHE who turns up thousands and thousands of joyous voters. He watches her from his glass house but can’t do anything about it. She has taken his crowds along with his momentum.
Next, she took his polling numbers. Almost every poll that comes out now shows her tied with him or in the lead. The numbers are taking shape. They look incredible โ for her. Polls show he is plunging downward, a bitter man on an elevator to nowhere. And he can’t take it. He doesn’t know WHAT THE HELL TO DO.
She took the running ate glory. He picked a moron, and she picked America’s dad. Then she took his media attention. Ah, the unforgivable sin. For HE was the one who was supposed to suck up all the air in the room; he was the one to whom media personalities would gallop.
Not anymore, oh no, no, no! Now eyes follow HER. When she walks into a room, her joy is infectious, and everyone wants to be around her. But there was one thing she didn’t take from him, for he never had it in the first place.
That thing is joy. She has it, he doesn’t. He has nothing. His crowds are gone; she has them. His poll numbers are down and out; she has them. His media attention has all but vanished. His crowd size went to the dogs. All he has is anger. She has the rapt and joyful attention of the whole country, spurring her on.