Dozens of House Republicans just voted against Elon Musk and Donald Trump

Last night Elon Musk decided to sabotage the Republican House’s funding resolution. Then Musk’s lapdog Donald Trump got on board with it. By this evening there was a new and reduced funding resolution that stripped funds for crucial matters like children with cancer (talk about bad optics).
But in a major blow to Musk and Trump, their bill just failed. Miserably. Tonight’s House vote was 174 for and 235 against, meaning that a few dozen House Republicans went against Musk and Trump.
Is this a full scale revolt? No. But it does mean that Trump and Musk have (pointlessly) pushed the Republican House too far already, and are now dealing with the embarrassing blowback of being shot down by their own party.
What happens now? Who knows? This is obviously an unstable situation, as is generally the case when people as unstable as Donald Trump and Elon Musk are trying to call the shots. But this is very much not good when it comes to Trump’s political leverage. The Republican Senate has already had it with him over his idiotic cabinet nominees, and now the Republican House has had it with him over Musk’s antics.