Donald Trump’s three card monte

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Donald Trump (or whoever is making moves for him in his cognitive absence) is doing a lot of shuffling of cards right now. It’s all about deception and hiding what’s really going on, from the narcissistically superficial to the extremely important.

For instance Trump’s inauguration is now being shifted indoors, and it’s being blamed on the weather. While the weather won’t be great, this move rather obviously seems aimed at saving Trump the embarrassment of another poorly attended inauguration. There wasn’t going to be a crowd anyway? Let’s just move the inauguration indoors so there won’t be any crowd.

Trump’s inauguration is a mere distraction. But this kind of sleight of hand also extends to other games that Trump is playing. After a long and drawn out war, Trump’s close pal Netanyahu is suddenly agreeing to a cease fire just a few days before Trump is set to take office. Now Netanyahu is even dragging his heels a bit after having initially agreed, seemingly just so Trump can step in and “fix” the agreement immediately after taking office. The whole thing is a charade to make it look like Trump is creating world peace.

Trump’s Republican Party also went out of its way to ban TikTok, seemingly just so Trump can take office and immediately announce that he’s “fixed” the TikTok ban. It’s yet another instance of stacking the deck, look over here not over there, in an attempt to give the appearance that Trump has a magic wand and can fix everything the minute he takes office.

And of course the media is set to go right along with this, because the media has decided that kissing up to Trump is the best way to move forward. So it’s all just one big disinformation racket from top to bottom. That’s how it becomes our job to fight back against all of this and get the real truth out there. We have to spend every day fighting back against this disinformation so that Trump is exposed for what he is: an empty suited failure.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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