Donald Trump’s stomach-turning turn

It really is amazing. Just when one thinks Donald Trump has reached the ultimate bottom, he does something to prove us all wrong. Memorial Day is all about honoring those heroes, fallen soldiers, and the people who fought tooth and nail to give us the freedoms that we have.
And yet Donald Trump did the unthinkable. He actually compared his struggles against being indicted with the struggles of our fallen heroes. Before I tell you what he said, let me just say this about Donald.
Donald John Trump is Benedict Arnold. He is the most miserable son of a bit## I’ve ever had the displeasure to see, and I cannot wait to hear that magic word, “indicted.” So Trump on Truth Social, called the people against him “fascist pigs and lunatic thugs.” Saying that these people were “different but equally dangerous” as the people our military fought against, Trump proceeded in all caps to label them misfits, lunatics, and things.
Yes, narcissists do this sort of thing, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Yes, Trump is still in the middle of his narcissistic collapse. But the gall! The utter gall that drips from this dimwitted piece of crap. It’s shameful. He’s shameful.
Trump ended his disgusting little diatribe by saying we need to stop “the Marxists, and fascist pigs” and “make America great again.” How about we make America Trumpless again by throwing his ass in jail? That’s, of course, for a jury to decide. In all my years on this earth, I’ve never seen such a self-centered, entitled, whiny bag of wind as Traitor Trump. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Many years from now, hundreds of years from now, as history is studied and people look back on the times of a traitor, many will be asking: Who WAS that guy? Where did he COME from? And hopefully, many will answer that he came from the depths of hell, from a point of darkness many did not foresee. But he ultimately paid for his sins with prison time. And we have not had anything like him since,