Donald Trump’s smorgasbord of cuckoo

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

It was the weekend. As the sun rose over the horizon, welcoming the start of a new day, the VP-Elect threatened to invade Panama. CRAZY. From Ron Filipkowski: “Trump is now apparently threatening to invade Panama and seize the canal after he conquers Canada and makes it the 51st state.”

Yes, there is no doubt — there never was — that Donald Trump has lost his marbles. I have a theory about ALL of this. It is Trump’s senility rearing its ugly head. Since the election, Trump has been largely MIA in the past few weeks. Oh, he’s made a few appearances. But by and large, we haven’t seen much of him, much to our ongoing delight.

And yet his ramblings on Truth Social have become increasingly insane. Does Trump think he’s Alexander the Great? What will he threaten to conquer next?

I suggest he work on conquering his own masochistic tendencies. He appears a fool on the world stage. What kind of person says this type of stuff? What kind of person thinks this way? A senile one. It seems, to this writer anyway, that Trump has now reached the point where he is simply saying ANYTHING that enters his brain. That is not a good sign about his mental health.

Canada and Panama are merely symptoms of the problem. The problem is insanity and senility. Those are not good ingredients for starting a presidency. When mixed together, they form a smorgasbord of cuckoo.

Trump’s Panama’s comments are now all over social media and do nothing for his presidency. All that they really do is show that the snake has lost its hiss — and is now reduced to pathetic Truth Social comments like this. It’s going to be an entertaining four years — awful but entertaining.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.