Donald Trump’s Secret Service money funnel

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Documents that have emerged since Donald Trump left office shine an increasingly brighter light on a depraved soul who enjoyed swindling the American taxpayer for his personal gain. After analyzing the latest set of documents, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) this week reported that the Secret Service spent nearly $2 million at Trump properties over Trump’s failed term.

Summing up the grift, CREW explained that if Trump had simply visited his properties almost 550 times, that “would be bad enough.” However, Trump “used the trips to line his pockets with taxpayer money via his Secret Service protection,” making the situation “much worse.” Adding insult to injury, a second CREW report pointed out yet another aspect of this story that is particularly disturbing, especially in the wake of Tuesday’s horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

According to that report, when Trump met victims and first responders after the October 1, 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, the one thing he strove to accomplish was getting paid handsomely for his efforts. Trump and his entourage made sure to stay at the Trump Hotel Las Vegas, a decision that cost Uncle Sam nearly $50,000.

To those who see little wrong with this because, they reason, at least Trump owns a hotel in the city he was visiting, consider this: a few years later, in February 2020, Trump visited four Western states but returned to sleep at Trump Hotel Las Vegas every night. This maneuver added an estimated $1.1 million in Air Force One expenses—with $12,000-plus making its way into Trump’s bank account, according to CREW.

Several days after Trump’s 2017 visit to Las Vegas, Mike Pence and company flew there to attend the shooting victims’ memorial service. Of course, Pence was also sure to lodge at the Trump Hotel Las Vegas, ringing up a bill of $15,892 for the benefit of Trump’s property.

Using his position to bilk American taxpayers and pad his wallet was one of Trump’s favorite pastimes as President. If there was a dollar to be made, Trump would doggedly and deceitfully pursue it—even if it meant profiting from mass shootings to feed his insatiable greed. In Trump’s twisted mind, cash is king and nothing is sacred.

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