Donald Trump’s Pete Hegseth nomination is in even more trouble

The problem with being a woman hater is that many around these people SEE their woman-hating — and don’t always approve of it. For Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense nominee, Pete Hegseth, this would be the time for him to say “Oh shit.” There is news about Hegseth, whom this writer believes IS a woman hater.
Someone has written him an email. This email came to Hegseth in 2018. And the sender? She had a lot to say. Yes, SHE. For it was Hegseth’s mother, who sent that damning email. What was this email about? How Hegseth had “routinely mistreated women for years.”
Uh-oh. Apparently, Hegseth’s MOTHER has a whole lot more character than he does. She told him his treatment of women displayed a “lack of character” on his part. Then she told him to get help.
“On behalf of all the women (and I know it’s many) you have abused in some way, I say, “Get some help and take an honest look at yourself.”
For Hegseth, this email is the head of a shark, and that head is slowly rising from the poisonous water.
“Get some help and take an honest look at yourself.”
She did say she still loved him. But….But….
“I have no respect for any man that belittles. lies, cheats, sleeps around and uses women for his own power and ego.”
“You are that man.(and have been for years) and as your mother, it pains me and embarrasses me to say that, but it is the sad, sad truth.” When reached for comment, Mrs. Hegseth stated that she has since apologized to Pete for words she said she had written in anger.
Words written in anger can reveal so much. This nomination, which has been wobbly at best, is now spinning out of control. Hegseth is going to have SO much to answer for, that is, if he even makes it to his confirmation hearings, and I would not place any bets on that right now.