Donald Trump’s people desperately try to spin Elon Musk debacle

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Elon Musk’s attempt at taking over Congress failed on several levels. First, Musk wasn’t able to get what he was seeking and made himself look like an idiot. Second, he made Donald Trump look like an idiot by extension. Third, Musk’s showboating made it look like Trump is a goner who’s sitting on his couch suffering from dementia while his people like Musk run wild. After all, when we’re at a point where the Democrats have “President Musk” trending just to get under Trump’s skin, it’s a big problem for Trump world.

Not surprisingly, Trump’s babysitters are leaking to the media today that Trump is supposedly thrilled with Musk’s performance – and the media is dutifully printing it as if it were true. But come on. There’s no way Trump is sitting at home, watching Musk grab all the attention, while everyone insists Musk is the real President, even as Musk totally blows the operation and makes the Trump regime look bad, and says “Yes this is exactly how I want it.” That’s just not who Trump is.

One of two things is going on. Either Trump is seeing what’s happening and is agitated about it and his people are trying to convince him that Musk’s idiot power play is a good thing, and the leaks are aimed at reinforcing the notion. Or Trump is so far gone that he doesn’t even know what’s happening, and his people are leaking that he’s thrilled with Musk in an effort to give the impression that Trump is still upright and functioning.

Either way, this is really bad for Donald Trump. When you’re the President-elect and you haven’t even taken office yet and your people are already resorting to having to leak about how thrilled you supposedly are with a showboating underling who’s usurping your power and making a mess of things, it means things are getting ugly fast.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer