Donald Trump’s numbers just got even uglier for him

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Seldom in the history of presidential elections does the actual election remotely resemble what some people think it will look like 2 years in advance. Past early predictions of party nomination โ€œcertaintiesโ€ that I recall off the top of my head included Mario Cuomo, Pat Buchanan and Jeb Bush. So much for predictions. So speculation is all we really have, and itโ€™s running riot as usual.

Nevertheless, Ron DeSantis, one of the most truly evil people it has ever been my displeasure to learn about, has a significant lead in a poll for the Republican nomination for president in 2024. Itโ€™s still very early days, of course. DeSantis hasnโ€™t officially declared yet, and probably wonโ€™t for another year or so.

But it gives me great schadenfreude to inform you that DeSantis is beating the crap out of Donald Trump in that poll. I donโ€™t really care what loser the Republicans ultimately pick in 2024 to go up against the President, but I do enjoy seeing Trump humiliated. It gives me no end of delight to watch him crash and burn faster than Tesla stock.

According to a USA Today poll, DeSantis is beating Trump by a 56%-33% margin. I know, itโ€™s only one poll, but I hope Trump learns of it. I hope it tortures him to madness.

I know how incredibly brittle Trumpโ€™s ego is, and thereโ€™s no getting around it that his sworn enemy is outpolling him. Hide the ketchup bottles! Of course Trump will do a bit of damage control by declaring the poll as โ€œfake news,โ€ but you gotta know it hurts and hurts bad. Wow am I ever glad.

I like seeing him in pain, because he destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead thanks to his spectacularly inept handling of the pandemic. It was as if Trump was being given advice on what not to do and then followed that bad advice anyway.

Besides screwing up the pandemic, Trump also incited an insurrection against the government, caused children to be separated from their families and then lost those children in the bureaucracy, tear-gassed peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square so he could conduct a photo op holding a Bible in front of a church, tried to keep Muslims from entering the country, got himself impeached, then got himself impeached again, had the worst jobs record of any president in modern history, pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, took Vladimir Putinโ€™s word over the collective word of the entire US intelligence community, banned transgender people from serving in the military and refused to release his tax returns. And those are just a selection of the horrible things he did every day he was in office.

Then he played golf. Lots and lots and lots and lots of golf. After severely criticising Obama for playing far, far less golf. So yeah, I hope the bastardโ€™s ego is hurting. I wish I could hurt him more. But a man can dream, canโ€™t he?

But itโ€™s nice to know his retirement is pure misery. And as if thatโ€™s not enough, heโ€™s got multiple criminal probes and investigations going on all the time. And theyโ€™re getting more and more serious every day. I hope he has a particularly miserable Christmas.

As bad as things may be right now, brothers and sisters, let us not forget those four miserable years when Donald Trump called the shots. We the People now have the whip hand, and it feels good. Justice is more than necessary, itโ€™s also very satisfying. Enjoy it now that you have it, and remember: the โ€œF-you get over itโ€ crowd from 2016 is suffering right along with him. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.