Donald Trump’s massive incompetence just reached a whole new level

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Everybody — EVERYBODY — is talking about the incompetence of the Trump administration, who have not been in office yet for even one month and have already single-handedly brought down the Medicaid website. The Trump posse put the blame for this shitshow on — get this —- OUTAGES. Right.

As Bill Palmer explained, the website ceased functioning in every one of the 50 states plus DC on Tuesday. This led to another complete chaos and hysteria brought on entirely by the senile orange donut hole who sits in the White House.

While the sites were down, people could not get paid. It was a shitshow to end all shitshows and at the time of this writing the site is back up.

There has been much speculation about WHY the site went down in the first place. Some feel that Trump was “testing” us to see how much the American people would put up with.

While this explanation COULD be true. I think that might give Donald Trump way too much credit, mainly because such a complicated thought process might simply be out of Trump’s grasp.

Trump is a buffoon. The word “buffoon” is his own personal scarlet letter, his and his alone. It is indeed possible that the real reason for the disruption to the site is that Trump and EVERYONE around him, have no idea what in hell they’re doing.

I think this explanation could just be the right one. In the meantime, the site is back up, humming with activity, no thanks to the mad hatter of bad ideas, Donald Trump.

Trump is really making a significant splash in his first days as President. What site will go down next? Your guess is as good as mine.

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