Donald Trump’s highly touted “Durham probe” just crashed and burned into a pile of nothing

Donald Trump spent quite awhile publicly insisting that the “Durham probe” was going to prove that everyone from the FBI to the Democratic Party criminally conspired to rig the 2016 election against him. But anyone paying attention knew the Durham probe would find nothing, because there was nothing to find. The entire thing was based on incoherent conspiracy theories cooked up by Trump and his fellow loons.

Sure enough, John Durham’s final report has been released today, and it’s completely toothless. Actually that’s too generous of a word to describe it. According to his own report, Durham found literally nothing. He failed to land a single conviction against anyone for any alleged crime. In the end he’s presented no evidence of any criminal behavior on the part of anyone.

It’s almost hilarious that Durham is trying to cover his own tracks by baselessly “concluding” in his final report that the FBI never should have launched the Trump-Russia probe to begin with. That’s certainly not a legal finding or even a valid prosecutorial conclusion. It’s just conspiracy theory gibberish, indistinguishable from what some right wing nutjob might post in a Twitter thread.

Donald Trump and his allies will try to spin this failed Durham stunt as a victory, because that’s always their approach. But while it might play well on Fox News, it’ll get zero traction out in the real world, where persuadable votes are actually up for grabs. The Durham probe always had zero chance of having any real world impact, and now it’s indeed ended with precisely zero real world impact. Next.

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