Donald Trump’s 2024 clown show exposed

If there is one thing I hate, it’s fake news stories. And make no mistake, they come from our side as much as from the GOP side. Take this incredible story floating around the internet, hoping to be read. Trump rules out Mike Pence as Vice Presidential running mate.
This is a story from several “supposed” left-wing pundits. It is astonishing anyone would write this up as a story, yet they did. And a special shout-out to CNN for taking it one step further and writing about who might be Trump’s NEW VP running mate in 2024.
So I had an idea. I felt a “duty to warn” others about this gibberish, but I will take things one step further. This article will be about what Trump will REALLY be doing in 2024 — because it is sure as hell won’t be running for President.
There are several possibilities here. The strongest one is that Trump will have been charged with — something — in one of the countless criminal investigations. But alas, I know many of you do not believe he will be charged. So what ELSE might our insurrectionist be doing?
Trolling for money is what comes to this writer’s mind. And why not? Money is all that matters to him — well, cash and the occasional big mac. So it is possible Trump could be involved in another grift — likely online — likely calling whatever he is involved in the best thing ever.
Of course, he will likely spend a lot of time in court. This is because he is involved in too much civil litigation to count. So, this will undoubtedly take up the magenta madman’s time as well.
And he will no doubt be trolling for relevance, trying to make us notice him. Perhaps he will be touring once again with has-been Bill O’Reilly. Their last tour was a dismal failure as few wanted to see them, but who knows. And then there is social media. Perhaps Trump will again declare a new social media website, calling it “the biggest, the best!’
In reality, it will be the smallest, the worst, but given Trump goes through social media sites quicker than Matt Gaetz goes through hair gel, this is one more possibility. I wish the fake news would stop. But since it shows no sign of doing that, a warning. If you see these ridiculous headlines — don’t click.