Donald Trump will “lose his mind” over this

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The problem with being a monster is most people are NOT monsters. And if one IS, in fact, a monster, one must get used to living in shadows. The monsters among us usually exist on the periphery of society. They hover in the shadows of the night, alone, unwanted, and cast out.

And since there is usually nobody there to pick up the pieces of the monsters among us, it stands to reason that they get angry. The fury of the monster often grows. After all — how fun could it be doing evil if the peoples’ response to the monster is — ignoring it?

This is what is happening with one of the monsters who live among us — at Mara-A-Lago, in fact, abandoned and exiled for the foreseeable future. This is the world of Donald Trump. And people are predicting Trump’s reaction to the January 6 hearings will be — monstrous. Trump will “lose his mind” is what is being said.

This is because he will be watching — of course, he will — and will be unable to defend himself. The American people will be mesmerized. And for the Donald, who is used to being the center of attention — who gets his kicks being adored — not many will be adoring him as the horrors of January 6 play across the television screen.

There will be no salvation for Donald Trump. He did what he did, and now he must pay the piper. Of course, he won’t see it that way. Why would he? Monsters never do think they’re wrong. So get ready. Get ready for the dark triad inside America’s monster to unravel — explode — rage — and lash out. It couldn’t happen to a more evil man.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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