Donald Trump throws a tantrum as January 6th public hearings close in on him

I suppose it can’t be fun for a person to witness hours of live television about what a complete buffoon they are. And yet that is precisely what’s happening to our failed insurrectionist, our wanna-be king, our non-Emperor with no clothes. That would be Donald Trump.
Trump, in a predictable fashion, is going absolutely insane as the topic of discussion this week — is what an evil fool he is. Honest feedback, to be sure but not feedback iq4.5 would necessarily want to hear.
So it is perhaps not surprising that Trump is lashing out. Of course, he is. What else would a friendless, deluded, failed person do? “I DEMAND EQUAL TIME!!!” These are the pathetic words to come from Trump’s true social account. “I DEMAND EQUAL TIME!!!”
Lots of explanation points there. He must really be angry. Let us examine these words together. It is amusing to me that Trump thinks he can demand ANYTHING. Does he not understand that he is over? Does he not get that (most) of the people in this country loathe him? I would guess he just doesn’t get it. But this was not the only thing Trump posted. “Witch hunt!”
Sorry Trump, but the only person who might be on a hunt for witches is Supreme Court Justice Samual Alito. All the committee is doing is telling the truth — about you. Nobody said you had to like it.
So as the January 6 committee brings us the truth — day after day — isn’t it nice to know Trump is losing his mind? I usually do not like to laugh at the misfortune of others. I consider that wrong. But in all seriousness — Trump has brought us so much pain, he has tried to murder America — strong words, but I believe them to be true.
So, yes, I will allow myself a few chuckles at the frustrated words of an insurrectionist — a bloody terrible man — one of the worst men this country has ever seen. And as for Trump’s words? “I DEMAND EQUAL TIME!!!” I say this back to him: “LOCK HIM UP!!!”
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