Donald Trump struggles badly during disastrous Montana rally speech

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How hard have Donald Trump‘s people been trying to keep him from further embarrassing himself in public over the past week? When it was first reported that his airplane had been diverted due to mechanical problems on his way to his soul rally this week in Montana, most folks on social media presumed that Trump people faked the mechanical difficulties in order to keep Trump from being able to make it to his rally. But Trump did indeed make it to his rally. Just not in one piece.

By the time Trump Took the stage in Montana tonight, his speech ended up going like this:

Even the Trump loyalist in the audience seem perplexed at how little sense he’s making and how far he’s fallen. Sure, he presumably had a difficult travel day after his plane was rerouted. But this is the first time he’s traveled all week, and he sounds like someone who got eaten by Hannibal Lecter. Trump is in bad, bad, bad shape.

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