Donald Trump just spent 9/11 humiliating himself like an idiot

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In a world turned upside down and torn apart, we do have to congratulate Trump for ditching Saturday’s ceremonies in his hometown of NYC and instead commentating on a boxing match because it’s a far better choice than inviting the Taliban to Camp David as he did last 9/11. Apparently, he did manage to visit a police station and a fire station near Trump Tower, which leads one to wonder what kind of officer or firefighter would show up for this clown traitor, especially since his first overseas Presidential trip was to kiss Saudi Arabia’s a**, Saudi Arabia being the country where most of the terrorists were from. If January 6th was an exercise in Back the Blue, then it’s clear the MAGA ignorant will never learn.

Philanthropist and spiritual leader, Sadhguru, said, “Truth is not for comfort – it’s for liberation.” Today, as the rest of the nation pauses to remember the horror of 9/11, a good portion of the country is still mired in a web of lies spun by our own domestic terrorist. They believe the Covid vaccine is harmful, the election was stolen, and the violent January 6th insurrection was the act of “patriots.” To them, Trump can do no wrong. And to their credit, these people are willing to die for their beliefs as the hospital mobile cold storage morgues prove.

But every day they lose members from their ranks. Biden’s approval rating is now as high as it’s ever been. Liberation comes with every grain of truth and soon, when SDNY takes Trump down, it will become a landslide.

And just to top the upside-down of current events, even George W. Bush, who must shoulder the blame for Katrina and Iraq, has sobered up and grown into an adult. His speech in PA was the best of his career. After four long terrible years of silence, he finally speaks the truth. “We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within. There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home… they are children of the same foul spirit.” That foul spirit gave us Trump. Sadhguru also said truth is, “not medicine – it’s a killer.” Trump won’t survive its onslaught.

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