Donald Trump just found a whole new way to humiliate himself

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Let’s talk about honesty. This week, many of us found out that for years we were “led” by “the most honest human being” in the world. This person is, in his own words, the “most honest human being perhaps that God has ever created.”

Wow! That sure is a lot of honesty. Who is this person who has claimed the prize of honesty? Why, it’s Assolini, of course — naturally. This statement caused this writer to break out into giggles so out of control that hiccups soon followed. So, let’s talk about Mr. Honesty.

This is something I’d expect Trump to say. After all, I suspect him to be both a narcissist and a sociopath, and that is how they roll. They’re the best — the brightest — the coolest — many of them have no faults. They’re flawless creations made to order – in their own warped minds, that is.

In fact, all the bragging does is hide their emotional fragility. Narcissism usually covers up extreme insecurity. That is why they get so mad when questioned. They NEED to believe they’re the best to validate their tormented egos. But in reality, these types have massive insecurities — a loathing to ever look at themselves and, to quote Trump’s empty-headed wife — “be best.”

These words were spoken at one of his rallies where, of course, the audience, made up of lonely Trump sycophants, cheered voraciously.

It is indeed frightening that for many years this idiot — this delusional person — had such close access to the nuclear codes. We really did dodge a bullet when we elected President Biden.

Trump no doubt tries to sooth himself by saying things like this. But most know the truth. Trump isn’t the most HONEST but he IS the most dangerous President we’ve ever had — a human monster, an emotional vampire that we, as a society managed to topple.

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