Donald Trump just admitted he’s losing

“Pennsylvania is cheating and getting caught!!” “At large scale levels rarely seen before.” “REPORT CHEATING.” “Law enforcement must act now!”
This despondent cry of cheating accusations can be translated from Trump-speak to reality-speak to mean, “I know I’m losing.” Trump posted the above wail on Truth Social, which remarkably, is still standing despite having to endure daily meltdowns from its lunatic owner.
This is an EXCELLENT way to lose the state of Pennsylvania! It appears Donald Trump is still hard at work doing permanent and irreparable damage to his trash heap of a campaign. Nobody who is winning posts such comments.
So yes, Trump is already setting in with the cheating. His boring wails do zilch except to remind the American people what a pathetic and incorrigible loser the GOP has put up for their Presidential candidate.
In reality, of course, nobody is cheating. The ONLY person who wants very much to change the narrative is Donald Trump.
First, he turns off hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans with his stubborn refusal to apologize for the racist, disgusting comments made at his rally about them. Now he is accusing a state he needs very much to win of cheating.
Donald Trump never learns.
Of course, this was expected because Donald Trump would not BE Donald Trump if he were not accusing someone of doing something to break some law.
In situations like this — where one has a malignant narcissist and an antisocial moron screeching and clamoring, the best thing to do is laugh — at the malignant narcissist and sociopath.
Donald Trump is running through a pitch-black maze at full speed, frantic to avoid the monster (Prison) that follows him, trying to turn on the lights in hopes of finding at least one ray of sunshine.
Still, no matter how fast he runs, the brightness remains out of his Grasp; the maze remains muted in darkness and gloom, with not even a flicker, the twists and turns to take him in the same direction, which is to a padded cell.
No accusations of cheating can change the fact that the man is decompensating in real-time, and no amount of shrieks can turn Donald Trump into what he desperately craves to be — a winner.