Donald Trump Jr gives utterly deranged convention speech, looks like he’s been crying all day

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From a senile Jon Voight to a screaming Kimberly Guilfoyle meltdown, the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention was already an utterly embarrassing disaster before Donald Trump Jr stepped to the plate. Somehow Don Junior managed to make things even worse, giving an utterly deranged speech and appearing as if he’d been crying all day.

Even as Donald Trump Jr was frantically ranting his way through a mostly incoherent speech, his eyes appeared to be full of tears the entire time. It was’t entirely clear if he was actually crying during his speech, or if he’d been recently crying and his eyes were still moist and swollen, or if this was merely some cruel trick of the camera. Either way, his speech was nothing short of deranged.

It’s not known if Donald Trump Jr taped his convention speech before or after the New York Attorney General announced that she was targeting Donald Trump and zeroing in on Eric Trump. But Don Junior’s physical appearance during his speech certainly gave the impression that he’d been crying all day after learning that New York is in the process of ending his entire family.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer