Donald Trump is wasting no time committing treason already

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There’s always the argument over the legal definition of the word “treason” but since laws apparently no longer apply to Donald Trump, it’s now fair to define his “treason” in the commonly understood sense of the word. Trump committed treason against the United States by inciting domestic terrorists to attack the United States in an attempt at overthrowing the 2020 election. Now that he’s inexplicably back in power, he’s right back at it.

Trump issued full pardons this afternoon for fifteen hundred people who were convicted of crimes in relation to the January 6th attack. That’s right, Trump just set fifteen hundred terrorists free because he’s as anti-American as they are. Trump even went so far as to refer to these terrorists as “hostages.” Yes, hostages. Trump is that much of a traitor.

In any case, these kinds of moves may play well with his base, but that’s irrelevant. This kind of thing plays poorly with the general public. Trump is already entering office with an approval rating not much above forty percent, which is devastatingly low for someone who’s just now taking office. Trump is now actively driving it even lower.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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