Donald Trump is talking about fleeing the country if he loses the election

It’s been an idle question posed across social media for a long time: with Donald Trump looking at going to prison in four different criminal trials, will he end up trying to flee the country? Now Trump himself appears to be giving us that answer.
During his ill-fated interview with the owner of Twitter last night, Trump said that “If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it’ll be a far safer place to meet than our country.”
Trump will perhaps claim that he’s joking. But when you’re a convicted felon awaiting sentencing and you’re also out on bail for three other criminal trials, even joking about fleeing the country is a bad look. It could also be seen as a bail violation.
Here’s the thing: if Trump does try to flee the country in order to evade prosecution, he’ll end up cut off from all of his financial resources. He’d end up living in a place like Venezuela without a penny to his name, fully dependent on the good graces of that nation’s corrupt leader. What happens if Trump flees to Venezuela and then Maduro is removed from power?
I think what we’re seeing here is yet another instance of Donald Trump realizing that he’s out of options and his life as he knows it is over, and fantasizing about some imaginary magic escape hatch. Trump is so feeble he can barely remember his own name, yet he’s going to be able to start a new life in Venezuela? Sounds like a pipe dream. But if Trump does want to try fleeing the country and get himself arrested at the border, go for it.