Donald Trump is setting himself up for failure

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Donald Trump, in an interview with Mark Levin, once again started ranting about how unfair ABC News is, sparking fresh conversations about whether he’s trying to avoid debating Harris again. I am not worried about Trump showing up. He may not like the idea, but he really has no choice. He has to be there, and this writer thinks he will be there.

This may be to our advantage, and I’ll explain why. So many things can go wrong in this debate for Donald Trump. I will name a few. Trump starts to tell big whoppers. Lying and Trump never do part, so it stands to reason that Trump will lie and lie and lie some more. That’ ‘s one thing we can count on.

Insulting Harris. Trump hates women, so it stands to reason he will disrespect Harris in some way, thus alienating all the female voters watching. Yelling at the moderators. This one is my fantasy. And you know what? It just might happen. Look what Trump did to Megyn Kelly. If Trump is asked a question that he deems unfair, you can bet he will start scolding the moderator who asked the question. And once Trump begins on one of his meltdowns, it IS sort of difficult to stop him.

Insult E Jean Carroll. If – no, WHEN — his sexual assault case is brought up, he’s going to have to say something about it. Who knows what he would say? Hannibal Lecter. Lecter is Trump’s best friend right about now. Where one goes, the other follows. Trump and Lecter regularly waltz across the country together, as Trump’s imaginary friend seems to give him silent support at almost EVERY Rally.

But it is not just Lecter. Perhaps Trump’s mental health — or lack thereof — will show up, and he will start babbling about the high cost of bacon or sharks and electrocution. Who knows? Your guess is as good as mine. The debate is coming up soon, and this writer plans to watch the whole thing. Trump will be there—he will be there, crazed, chaotic, and out of his mind.

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