Donald Trump is now reduced to SELLING MEMES

Donald Trump has already reduced himself to selling everything from bootleg “Trump guitars” to virtual Trump trading cards, so at this point nothing should be a surprise. But Trump may have topped himself tonight in his race for the bottom.
Trump just announced on social media that he’s selling official memes of himself. For those not quite certain what a meme is, it’s pretty much anything on the internet that goes viral, whether it’s a phrase or an image or anything else. You see memes on social media every day, created by all kinds of people. They’re just things you share.
But Trump has decided to sell what he’s calling “the only official Trump meme.” Well okay then. It appears the meme is being sold and traded on some kind of crypto app. So, uh… huh? What is this supposed to be? It might be Trump’s most bizarre and embarrassing money making scheme to date. Isn’t this guy supposed to be “President” or something?
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