Donald Trump is now at the “setting himself on fire for attention” stage of his downfall

Over the past week and a half, Kamala Harris has been getting most of the attention in the political arena โ and nearly all of it positive attention. The remainder of the attention in the political arena has gone to JD Vance, nearly all of it negative attention.
Neither one of these developments has been good for Donald Trump. But all he seems to care about is that he hasn’t been getting any attention at all. Trump tried to change that by doing a live interview with the National Association of Black Journalists on Wednesday. This was a dicey proposition. He had to know he was going to face tough questions and a skeptical audience. It would have been very difficult for Trump to thread the needle during his appearance and come out of it looking good. Instead Trump pretty much tanked the whole thing.
At one point Trump accused one of the Black women interviewing him of being nasty to him. At another point Trump accused Kamala Harris of having at one point decided to become Black. Trump managed to come off as hostile, racist, and senile all in the same appearance. While Trump was on stage you could almost imagine a sign over his head counting the votes that he was losing in real time as he was speaking.
Yet throughout the appearance, Trump seemed to be excited that he was getting attention at all. In Trump’s malignantly narcissistic mind, the problem isn’t that his opponent has been getting positive attention or that his running mate has been getting negative attention. It’s that the other people in the race are getting all the attention, period.
Trump decided to change that by bringing negative attention to himself with his shambolic public appearance. Nevermind that if he loses this election he’s going to prison for the rest of his natural life. That part doesn’t seem to matter to him. He just wants attention. And if he has to go on stage and metaphorically set himself on fire in order to get attention, that’s what he’s willing to do. The more positive attention Kamala Harris continues to get, the more Trump will set himself on fire. Donate