Donald Trump is melting down

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

As darkness settled over the great United States, a scream could be heard from a particular home in Palm Beach, Florida. “WHERE IS THE APOLOGY??” This scream came from the jaws of an extreme idiot and traitor who also, sadly, will soon be taking the Presidential oath of office.

“Where’s my apology?” This is what the next President was doing — screaming on Truth Social. He sought The ” apology ” from Maggie Haberman and the NY Times. He appears to be pretty pissed with the coverage he has received.

“Where’s my apology?” On and on, Trump went, pouring his dirty water onto Truth Social in one big angry super-rant. Calling the NY Times “failing,” Trump ranted on and on — and on and on. Trump also referred to Haberman as a third rate writer, seemingly intentionally misspelling her name.

This writer watched this all go down with stunned repulsion. Even now, even after he won, the fires of Trump’s anger are unquenchable. This rant refused to end. Like a mad volcanic explosion, it cracked and blazed with the fire of the unavenged.

“WHERE IS THE APOLOGY?” He is such a sad excuse for a man. Friends and readers, I’ve often wondered what it must be like to be in Trump’s brain. I do not think it is a pretty picture.

It would stand to reason that even after a big win, the man cannot or will not contain his rage. One imagines being inside his head would be like being in a distorted, terrifying house of mirrors. It’s a clown show in there, and nothing comes out except rage.

I also imagine the air around him needs some serious fumigation. It’s been a few weeks since the election. One would think Donald Trump would have far better ways to spend his time than ranting like an obtuse madman on Truth Social, but he doesn’t.

I lost track of all the angry words after a while. Let him get it out. Let him vomit the rage out of his system and cool down. Perhaps that will help him, yes?

Well, no. There is not one thing in the world that could help Donald Trump. The ill winds around him are permanently blowing and do not go away, not for anything. But one does imagine if he thinks things are bad now, what will he say on that site when he experiences some disappointments as President?

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.