Donald Trump is getting a new chaperone

Donald Trump’s dinner with Nick Fuentes seems to have disturbed republicans quite a bit. And it’s no wonder. Trump and drama go together like two peas in a little pod. There is no shortage of chaos when Trump’s around. That just might be why there are reported plans in place in regard to his royal narcissist.
These plans involve — not leaving Trump alone for a minute. It’s true. According to reports, the insurrectionist is getting a chaperone. This is being done at the bequest of many panicked republicans.
The AP reported this and said a “chaperone” would be with Trump at all times – probably to make sure he stops screwing up so very badly with things like inviting antisemitic people to dinner and alienating the country.
AP also says the protocols for incoming visitors are being worked on and changed. In other words, team Trump plans to be a lot pickier about just who is allowed to come to dinner.
Reportedly the people around the Donald do not trust him not to get into trouble if left to his own devices. While I feel this is quite a clever idea, it won’t work. The reason it won’t work is that Trump, like many bad seeds who came before him, does not give a damn how many people are around him. He just does what he wants anyway.
He’s already shown us this numerous times. If Trump’s team really believes one little chaperone can contain an orange monster like Trump, they are fooling themselves. Trump loathes being told what to do and will almost surely find a way to do precisely what he wants anyway, as the hapless chaperone will soon find out. But isn’t it ironic that the traitor needs a babysitter? That is one person I do feel sorry for.