Donald Trump hits the panic button about prison

I’m sure if we were to peruse history, we could find many outlaws who, when caught, did everything possible to get out of receiving their just desserts — prison. In the present day, not much has changed in that regard. The biggest outlaw of them all — Donald Trump, is finally — after quite a while – beginning to panic.
So, what does a modern outlaw do when they panic? That’s an easy question to answer. They look for someone ELSE to get them out of their self-created mess. Rolling Stone is reporting that Trump is desperately begging Republicans to pass a new law to keep him out of the pokey.
It seems Trump is very concerned that if he wins the 2024 election, the non-federal cases will still be waiting for himโand he is imploring his partners in slime to do something about it. Trump has been reportedly reaching out to republicans, begging them to pass a law that would forbid non-federal prosecutions of a President. Trump is reportedly “pressuring” them to pass some law if he wins in 2024.
His logic is flawed, as usual. First off, Donald Trump is winning nothing. He will not be president again. Secondly, as Rolling Stone put it, any such law would require ” Republicans to take back the House, take back the Senate, and have enough votes and agreement on the wisdom of these ideas to get it done.”
This is exactly right, and this is why such a law will never find its way into existence. This is merely the fantasy of a lawless and desperate man. But his fantasy will stay just that — his most fervent wish will never become the law of the land. But it does give something away.
Donald Trump is unnerved. He is terrified, cowed, and scared. He is a modern day outlaw and an ancient piece of petrified wood, stewing in his lawless juices, shaking in the puddle of his own terror, as he finally, after ALL this time, appears to understand at least a bit, that his issues are NOT going away — not now, not tomorrow, not ever.