Donald Trump has meltdown about being “cognitively impaired”

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Donald Trump surely knows there’s something wrong with him cognitively, given how often he gets confused in public. He’s also surely seen some of the belated but growing media coverage about his worsening cognitive issues. Now Trump is getting defensive about it.

During a rally speech today, Trump began defensively melting down about the attention that his cognitive issues are getting: “I’ll say [unintelligible noise], they’ll say he’s cognitively impaired! No, I’ll let you know when I will be someday. We all will be someday. I’ll be the first to let you know.” Trump then went on to claim that because he’s doing three to four rallies a day, he can’t possibly be cognitively impaired. What’s surreal is that he’s not doing three to four rallies a day, but he seems to think he is.

Trump just keeps unraveling further. He’s been spending his rally speeches having cognitively impaired meltdowns about sharks and cannibals, and now he’s spending his rally speeches having cognitively impaired meltdowns about how he’s not cognitively impaired. How much longer before he takes his pants off during a rally speech? It’s not a joke at this point.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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