Donald Trump has everyone mad at him now

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Donald Trump, right now is being slammed by two different political sides as he attempts to please both sides and, as a result, pleases neither. This is, of course, about Florida’s abortion amendment. Trump set off a firestorm when he declared six weeks too short. Oh, how angry the Anti-choice voters were! Outrage pelted down on Trump from his own voters, who were pretty pissed and were NOT at all shy about letting their cult leader know it.

It seems that Trump finally went a bridge too far, even for his own voters. So now, in a desperate move to sew up their support and make them like him again, Trump said he’d vote against the abortion measure. Oh NO. I say these words — oh no — because NOW, He’s got independents mad at him!

A little side-note, here: This is what happens when one attempts to lie. These are the results of extraordinary attempts at people-pleasing. So the man tries with all his might to lie, to pretend to care about one side—the antichoice—but as casually as lighting up a cigar, he betrays them.

But wait! He’s forgotten! He’s forgotten he NEEDS their votes. So then he lies again, pissing off the other side. And around and around and around it goes — around and around and around the lies spin, tops spinning crazily out of control, as the people the liar has managed to piss off now include EVERYBODY.

Of course, the message of this story is just don’t lie. But for a traitor, for a liar, for a convicted felon, lying is the only thing on their calendar (besides many a court appearance). They HAVE to do it. Lying is their breakfast, their lunch, their dinner. I bet they would not know how to exist without their soulmate, the lie.

So now Trump is ALSO falling apart over this. What is he going to do? How can he answer the abortion question in a way that offends NOBODY? The answer to the question? He simply can’t.

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