Donald Trump has complete meltdown after Ivanka Trump sells him out

I am guessing Ivanka Trump is not a happy camper right now. The whispery-voiced Aphrodite wanna-be was seen via video at the first January 6 hearing, clearly stating that she believed Bill Barr — over her own (unhinged) father.
“It affected my perspective,” Ivanka whispered. “I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he was saying.” Ouch. As you can guess, this bombshell is causing a lot of chatter.
Ivanka, who, in my opinion, looked absolutely terrified, has most likely spent some time calming down an enraged assolini. And speaking of Trump, he did not keep silent on his thoughts about the whole kit and caboodle. Taking to his miserable hiding place Truth Social Trump let loose all his furies and frustrations.
In regards to Ivanka, Trump had this to say: “Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at or studying Election results.” “She had long since checked out.” Trump also proceeded to say Bill Barr “sucked.” Such maturity!
A few things jump out at me about these words. First — notice the coolness toward his daughter? Trump referred to her as “Ivanka Trump.” Rather a cool and indifferent way to address the reported apple of his eye, in my opinion. And behold, those words “checked out.”
The Donald said many other things, most of which I will not be reporting here because do we really care?
The bottom line is that this will likely not be the last time we hear from Ivanka. Something tells me she — as well as her husband of few words — Jared Kushner — will make more guest appearances. If I were Trump, I’d be pretty nervous about now.
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